
Grant Accounting: The 2024 Guide to Effective Financial Tracking

grant accounting

This transparency can also build trust with funders, beneficiaries, and the broader community, enhancing the organization’s reputation and support. Keep good communication with the grantor and be proactive in addressing any issues that may arise. Good communication with the grantor is important for maintaining transparency and accountability.

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  • That way you know if one grant will cover all the costs or if you need to submit multiple proposals to secure all the funding you need.
  • These services include budgeting, accounting, and reporting for sponsored projects, as well as providing guidance and assistance to faculty and staff in the areas of sponsored project administration.
  • Reimbursable grants involve an arrangement in which the organization is reimbursed for expenditures.
  • You can search the legislatures for your state and Office of Management and Budget circulars.
  • These elements are crucial in keeping a meticulous record of grant finances, aiding in compliance, transparency, and effective resource management.
  • Dorinda has over thirty years’ experience providing assurance and taxation services, with a primary focus in audit.

A crucial aspect of this process is adhering to the terms outlined in the grant agreement, which often includes managing grant revenue. Supporting the Grant Management Process The grant management team should meet periodically to review the progress of all grants and maintain accountability. Various tools can help facilitate an effective grant management process, including a grant tracking system with calendar that includes reminders and deadlines for each grant. This system should be accessible to each team member and updated on an ongoing basis to include any amendments to the initial terms and conditions to the existing grants.

Major Types Of Grants

This will affect your ability to focus on the strategic goals of your organization’s grant efforts. Once you and the funder have finalized the contract, you can now announce the work. The funding organization typically will notify the other grant applicants and let them know their proposals were not accepted. Then you can publicly announce that you have received the grant for the program.

grant accounting

Definition and Key Concepts

If you receive discounts from vendors because of your nonprofit status, be sure to include those. You can assign each transaction in QuickBooks to a class to track revenue and expenses for a specific program regardless of the chart of accounts. With classes, you may have one set of general ledger accounts and separate by classes based on specific programs, grants, or donors. Many grant management software companies publish blogs and white papers full of advice and tips. Once you’ve identified organizations you want to work with, you can follow their sites for the latest offerings.

Reconciliation and Reporting

  • Some grants require you to generate a certain percentage of funding yourself.
  • For up-to-date information on this subject please contact a James Moore professional.
  • Keep good communication with the grantor and be proactive in addressing any issues that may arise.
  • As you’ve probably learned by now, taxes are an inevitable part of doing business in the United States.

Health and safety concerns are minimal, given the office-based nature of the work, with ergonomic considerations taken into account to ensure a comfortable working environment. Technology plays a central role, streamlining processes and enhancing accuracy in financial reporting. Work-life balance is achievable, grant accounting with most organizations recognizing the importance of flexibility and the well-being of their staff. Be sure to submit your reports in a timely manner, as some agencies impose a penalty for tardiness. Proactively submitting these going forward can help sidestep unnecessary delays in the payment process.

You also don’t want to spend precious resources on grants that don’t help your organization thrive and grow. In this article, you’ll learn the keys to succeeding in grant management, complete with best practices you can put to work today. You’ll also find advice on choosing software systems to automate your process and resources to help your entire grant management team — even if it’s a team of one. To record a grant in accounting, the grant is recognized as revenue in the statement of activities over its useful life, and related expenses are matched with it to be recognized as income. The grant is recorded as a deferred revenue in the balance sheet until it is earned. The related expenses are recorded as an expense in the statement of activities.

What Types of Reports are Required for Grant Reporting?

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